Maintaining water quality is our primary mission
Our efforts to accomplish our Mission
Water quality sampling involves taking water samples to determine water chemistry to monitor lake health. We provide training on how to properly collect and analyze samples and a partner to begin sampling work.
Courtesy Boat Inspections (CBI) program is designed to help prevent invasive species from entering our lakes. We hire inspectors, but volunteer inspectors, coordination and supervision are also needed.
Watershed surveys are conducted on the land that drains into our lakes to identify areas where pollution damage may occur. This effort needs more dedicated leadership to recruit volunteers, conduct outreach to landowners, and to suggest and/or conduct remediation work.
Invasive Plant Patrols are shorefront property owners and others paddling the lakes who adopted a section of nearby shore to inspect for potential invasive species. We provide training on how to do a quick and easy examination for invasive plants. Contact us for upcoming training dates.
What are those green algae globs?
This summer’s weather has resulted in perfect conditions for the growth of a type of algae called Metaphyton. Though it is unsightly, the good news is that it is not the same as an “algal bloom” that is a sure sign of water quality problems. Read More…
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