Courtesy Boat Inspections

Our first line of defense.

“Milfoil (and other invasive species) is like a disease of lakes. It is easily spread, with serious consequences. Once a lake becomes infested, control is difficult.”

Some approaches are to buy, or hire suction boats with divers to pull it by hand (over $1,000/day), putting huge light blocking barriers on the lake bottom, or using hazardous chemicals. These very expensive containment practices are rarely a cure.

To avoid such an infestation, LAON started a preventative program employing Courtesy Boat Inspectors (CBIs). CBIs check boats for any “aquatic hitchhikers.”

LAON has CBIs at the Lake Pennesseewassee boat launch during the busiest summer hours, between 7 AM and 7 PM on weekends and holidays, and early mornings and late afternoons during the week.

Since recognizing the danger and supporting CBI programs, Maine has not suffered as much as our neighboring states. Unfortunately, Maine does already have significant infestations in some lakes, including nearby Thompson Lake, Sebago Lake, and Long Lake.

Boaters can transport the problem on their boat, trailer, fishing gear, anchors, oar wells – on anything that goes in the water or traps water. Only a small fragments needed to start an infestation.

CBIs explain the purpose of the inspection and ask the boater to accompany them while they conduct a quick but methodical inspection of the boat and trailer. If plant life is found, it will be sent for further analysis. Most boaters understand the importance of protecting the lakes and are willing to spend five minutes to save a lake. The inspections also help the boater avoid the very steep fines for transporting ANY PLANT LIFE on a boat or trailer in Maine.

After learning from a CBI how to perform a thorough inspection. responsible boaters, kayakers, canoeists and jet-skiers should get into the habit of inspecting their gear before going to any lake. CBIs are not everywhere and always on duty, so it is important for boaters to assume this responsibility.  There is a link to a clear Boat Inspection Guide in this section of our website and a large sign at the Pennesseewassee boat ramp which both show how to do it.

We are all in this together!