
To preserve, enhance and protect the health and beauty of the lakes of Norway

Our work involves: monitoring water quality; watershed protection to address the harmful effects of runoff pollution; monitoring for invasive species; voluntary boat inspections to prevent invasive plants; reducing harmful runoff; and outreach to engage our community in protecting our lakes.

These efforts are funded through contributions from individuals, local businesses and the Town of Norway. We have various levels of participation and welcome all donations. All contributions are tax deductible.

Members are concerned citizens, like you, who value the quality of life on and around the lakes of Norway and want to encourage responsible recreational activities as well as the balance of aquatic life so that we can all enjoy our leisure time and the wonder of our natural resources. Members are your neighbors who enjoy swimming, boating, fishing and water sports during  the summer on the lakes as well as using them for snowmobiling, ice fishing, skating and cross country skiing all winter.

Members are caring local businesses who value a balanced environment and economic growth. Invest in the future. Consider membership in LAON to support Norway’s four beautiful bodies of water:  Sand Pond, Hobbs Pond (Little Penn,) North Pond and Lake Pennesseewassee (Norway Lake.) Our purpose is to keep you informed about what is happening with our lakes and in our area. Links to more information about environmental issues and permitting are in the Keep Our Lakes Healthy Section/Homeowners Toolkit.