LAON is an all-volunteer group dedicated to preserving the health and beauty of Norway’s four lakes: Sand Pond, Hobbs Pond, North Pond and Lake Pennesseewassee. We protect the lakes from harmful invasive plants and pollutants, monitor and report on each lake’s condition, encourage responsible recreation, and conduct a broad based awareness campaign to reach our entire watershed community.
Of course, the key to our lakes health is the actions of all our members: Controlling erosion on their properties and roads; Removing all plants and debris from all boats and equipment; Limiting wake to protect other people, our shoreline, and property (state law requires minimum wake within 200′ of land).
Our members enjoy swimming, boating, fishing and other water sports during the summer and ice fishing, snowmobiling, cross country skiing and skating on the lakes all winter.
LAON’s 2024 ANNUAL MEETING was held via Zoom on Saturday, July 20. The meeting presentation can be downloaded here.The 10th Annual Length of Lake Swim will be held on Sunday, August 17, 2025. This annual fundraiser and celebration of the health of our lakes welcomes individuals, 2 and 3 person teams. If you want to swim or help with a party boat, contact Susan Jacoby at: (617) 833-0646 or [email protected]The 8th annual Super Informal Lake Penn Boat Parade occurred on Thursday, July 4 at 3pm. |
Of Interest
Our 2024 Newsletter highlights the challenges confronting us and the responsive programs we’ve developed. Our strength is based on our multifaceted approach, our success is based on lakeshore property owner involvement.
See the updates on the Lake Pennesseewassee watershed protection program:
Also, please review the summary of the highly successful North Pond Watershed Protection project, which was conducted during the fall of 2017 through end of 2019.
A survey of the Hobbs Pond watershed was conducted in June of 2024. The purpose was to locate possible erosion sites for future remediation. It will also serve as the basis for a grant application to support that remediation. The survey summary can be found here.
Our sponsors are caring members and local businesses who recognize the connection between the quality of our lakes and local economic vitality. The Town of Norway is our main partner; we are grateful for its ongoing support. Our member and business sponsors are listed on Thanks to Our Sponsors.
We need you to Invest in our future. We rely on annual membership dues and business sponsorship to support our work. (All donations are fully tax exempt)
- Learn how to be a Business Sponsor or a Member
Get LAON Shirts and Tote Bags
We have designed, and have available for sale, a variety of LAON shirts and Tote Bags! Please consider buying shirts or bags for yourself, your family members and maybe even your frequent guests. When we begin to wear these shirts and carry these bags around town, we will be sparking awareness of what LAON does for our entire community.
Would you like to be on our email list? (We only send a few messages each year and we won’t share our address list.) Just complete this form or Email: [email protected]. Don’t forget to add us to your address book so that our messages reach you!